Ooooooh i like these goodies from Are You Swedish?..and they are from Amsterdam, how cool is fear not if you are not from Sweden (like me)..there's hope....The Are you Swedish? Sophisticated Luxury Collection (AYS?SLC) is a mix of unique luxury items from the heart. Items that Are you Swedish? loves, uses, wants to have and to hold, missed until now and wants to share with you. They have goodies for tråveling, spörts and cool nøtebooks....
Work hårt, play hårt, sport hårt.
AYS?SLC agenda, notebook, iPhone cover. With a personal mission statement for you: “I år är mest känd som början av min framgång!”. This year will be best known for the start of my success! OK let's do this...
The AYS?SLC classic notebook, my first Are You Swedish? goodie and i am still very happy with it...Så bad år get du gör egentligen? Meaning...So what is it you åre actually doing? Well i still don't know...haha..but at least i "understand" Swedish now...
well..i could be...maybe first dye my hair and get me a pair of green eyes..
Need some tape, anyone...
Make sure to use the codeword "fatfatsheep" and you will receive an extra free goodie...that will make you swedish...
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